The best online games of December 2024 ranking is based on popularity of the games among our viewers in this particular time. Of course the term best could mean different things to different people, so the games on this list might not meet all of your personal criteria, but we based it on activity of our audience. We work hard to keep the database up-to-date with what is popular among online players right now, but if you know about games that should be on this list or you are author / admin of such game let us know through submit new game form.
A single player, persistent world, browser based text role-playing game which mixes the classic RPG games with modern technology.
In LogiTycoon you will be the owner of a transport company. Buy trucks, trailers and hire employees. Create or join a corporation and work together with other players.
Online multiplayer game that simulates naval battles of warships from 1930s and later eras.
Due to Russian aggression on Ukraine the development of Stalker 2, a highly anticipated sequel to Stalker series games, has been suspended.
Serbian online game My Basketball Team just announced they will close down the title on 1st November 2022 after about 6 years of existence. The browser game was quite popular, so what happened?