Title: Car Mechanic Tycoon
Year introduced: 2022
Country of origin: Netherlands
Languages: multiple
Price: include premium accounts / options
In Car Mechanic Tycoon you are the owner of a Car Mechanic company. Accept customer orders, hire employees and repair customers’ cars. Play together with other players to get more materials and tools to speed up your orders. Do you have what it takes to make your company the best?
The online game that challenges you to start your own car garage business and then puts you in charge of all the day-to-day tasks involved in managing these types of businesses. You take orders from customers (cars with malfunctions or defects), which you can pick yourself from a list that changes every hour. If you fulfill these orders on time, you will earn money to buy better tools, for example. You can also use this money to further expand your buildings, such as your garage or warehouse. If you are late, you will lose points and your position in the world ranking will deteriorate. This ranking lists all other players with their companies.
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