Crime Scene online game

Crime Scene  1996

Title: Crime Scene

Year introduced: 1996
Country of origin: United States
Languages: English

Price: premium subscription

Crime Scene features fictional crime cases in a unique combination of interactive fiction and gaming. Each week, Yoknapatawpha County detectives post evidence from the current case.

You are invited to participate in the investigation by reviewing the presented evidence and offering your theories and questions to the detectives and other web sleuths.

To participate, examine the case evidence. New information is posted every weekday at US Central Time. Case documents for the current investigation are presented in reverse chronological order so you can see the most recent information first. For previous cases, the case documents are in chronological order so you can start at the beginning. Some of the items you’ll see include witness interviews, forensic analysis reports, and evidence photos.

Rating: 2 / 5 based on 1 votes


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