Title: Grand Prix Racing Online
Year introduced: 2005
Country of origin: Bulgaria
Languages: English / German / Italian / French
Price: include premium accounts / options
Grand Prix Racing Online enjoys two completely different sides of fame - on one side it is one of the most popular Formula One manager games online (if not the most popular) with animated race previews, plenty of options and an active community. Unfortunately, the other side of fame drags after that game for years - fame for refusing users their basic rights to cancel their accounts.
Yes, for years and years GPRO did not have option to cancel your account, so once you registered your data remained there FOREVER and for years and years you would receive e-mails from their newsletter whether you wanted it or not. Luckily for some, the new EU regulations put a stop to such practices in Europe, so if you are lucky enough to live in the EU, you will finally get the chance to cancel your account. If you live outside the EU... they’re just being assholes and will keep your data FOREVER. Why? God knows. Apart from sending once in a while a newsletter message it is unclear why they store the data in a first place or why they refuse to close them down. The game is littered with zombie accounts that have not been used for years - their internal statistics show that out of 130,000 accounts present about 121,000 are actually retired, so... Yeah, there is that.
The game itself is not that bad, the animated preview of the race is refreshing detail in a browser racing game. On the other hand GPRO has a very steep learning curve - each parameter of the car setup has a value between 1 and 999, which means you need a lot of testing to put the setup right, if you are new to the game, then you will be the one at the end of the starting greed. The game is very similar to the now defunct F1Time (later renamed Racing Boss) - you are in charge of not a full racing team, but a single car "team" that can join another user to form a "normal" 2-piece team or multi-seat team (up to 10 cars). The features available cover most of the options that you might need, like sponsors negotiations, hiring team members, testing the car or improving facilities, although the website is a bit outdated (tiny little letters, lack of responsive design).
Rating: 1.15 / 5 based on 13 votes
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