Online games news Tedious Retro Gamer, 22-04-2020
Online Games Bay
Cheating is serious problem for many online games, but equally serious is the lack of ways to get rid of the players that do not follow the rules. Unless you do something radical, like Last Oasis recently did.
Last Oasis is a massive multiplayer online survival game, in which players try to survive in the world that lacks resources and every bit of them is priceless. Even though the game premiered on Steam in March 2020 already it is struggling with the weakest part of every multiplayer game - the players.
Recently Donkey Crew, company behind Last Oasis, took a hard stand against cheaters that abuse their product and literally banned hundreds of players stating:
"We haven’t publicly addressed the issue until confirming that our efforts are starting to be successful, but we’ve been hard at work to eradicate the players who are so bad at the game they need cheats. So far, we’ve banned a triple-digit number of cheaters and continue to improve the tools against them. We want you to know that we take this issue extremely seriously and will not stop until the game is free from cheats."
While it sounds serious and the statement on Twitter also warned that they will not allow any way of appeal against the ban. However, later Donkey Crew reconsidered their decision and opened a channel for banned users to appeal, although they are sure their decisions were 100% valid in every case.
But cheating does not seem to be the only problem within Last Oasis - many users are losing interest in the game because of... the game concept itself. While the game allows users to form clans there are already "mega-clans" formed within the game, capable of overpowering any of the new settlers, so... It looks like Last Oasis could be another victim of their own players, who do not follow the rules or follow the rules and discourage new players from joining in.
Abermore, one of the dozens, if not hundreds, of titles that premiered in recent days on Steam made me think that the end of an era is near. Yes, you guessed it, Abermore is a steaming pile of garbage. To be fair it is not the only one and not the worst one that I have seen recently.
To no-one’s surprise another big title have just completely cyberpunked on the premiere - buggy, under-developed, remade to appeal to everyone. And ended up quickly forgotten. Yes, I mean Saints Row.
YouTube is about to crack down on one, tiny aspect of their platform, which might lead to beginning of the end for this giant streaming provider.
Recent developments in several titles made me think that gamers are truly weird, weird creatures that should be studied by science, because it’s not how human kind should work. Or is it?
Football-o-Rama, a multiplayer online football manager game is about to make comeback after several years of hiatus. The browser game should be available to first public users in about 2 weeks time.
Or rather the IGMMOIG word. I know, it's not really a word, it's acronym, but "I'm Gonna Make My Own Indie Game" is such a long thing to say. Yes, each week, each month, perhaps even each day someone drops that word. Fine, acronym.
Or rather the IGMMOIG word. I know, it's not really a word, it's acronym, but "I'm Gonna Make My Own Indie Game" is such a long thing to say. Yes, each week, each month, perhaps even each day someone ...
Today something completely different - a nostalgia piece about a game from 2015 (ancient history for some) that was not in any way a bad game, but incorporated one bad idea that ruined all the good id...