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Submarines are coming to town

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After long, long time in development submarines are finally coming to World of Warships. Well, sort of coming. And the gamers are sort of excited about it.

Submarines are coming to town

After years in development submarines showed up in World of Warships for the first time... but not really. They are available in special mode called "Submarine battles" and right now you can only borrow submarines to test that mode. Still there are no clear info when they will join the other game modes or how, but to be honest it is hard to find users that are actually still looking forward to introduction of submarines.

If you haven’t played Steel Ocean (btw. you don’t know what you have missed) you don’t have experience with submarines in the battles and after long list of blunders in World of Warships the submarines as new feature are right now far from being welcomed among the players. In recent months the game was swarmed with aircraft carriers and Soviet made up ships that were spoiling the battles for most of the users and a lot of players see submarines as the new wave of overpowered toys that will spoil the battles even more.

As you probably know Wargaming, publisher of World of Warships and other games of the series, have one solution to every problem - buy a premium vehicle for real money and you will be spared from being spammed by the new overpowered toy. How does it work? In recent months aircraft carriers were really bothering a lot of players, they made the destroyers and some of the battleships obsolete, so Wargaming, after months and months of deliberations came up with solution - bunch of overpowered Soviet cruisers, most of which are taken straight from science fiction. No one asked for them, but there you are - the solution is here.

Recently they obviously also reduced the number of aircraft carriers in battles, which was a nice change, but it was months after users were signalling the problems. So how submarines will change the game? Remember the time you were caught in your shining battleship in the middle of the ocean by swarms of torpedo planes only to find out that your AA guns are completely ineffective? Now imagine invisible planes that move slower, but you have absolutely no way of fighting them back.

Two other little details caught eye of the players that started the tests - while earlier versions of submarines in the World of Warships were really boring to play in recent incarnation they were... let’s say slightly improved, so I would not have to use word "magic": they can sail 25 knots on surface, 20 knots when submerged and have homing torpedoes. So, there goes the historical accuracy, but after introduction (among others) of Udaloi, Sinop, Mikoyan, Moskva, Shchors, Budyonny (none of which ever existed) I think it’s safe to say that this train is long gone in case of World of Warships.


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