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Wake up, Charlie, we have careers to burn!

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While MrBeast keeps digging himself deeper into scandal surrounding his dubious practices (no, not manipulating his underage audience, but for organizing lotteries which broke the law), there is one voice visibly missing from this whole situation.

Wake up, Charlie, we have careers to burn!

Penguinz0, aka Charlie or MoistCritikal, known for having an opinion about everything in the universe, from hamburgers to nuclear weapons and from dating to cryptocurrency, missed just one topic in the past few years. And this topic is the topic of all topics - the crumbling down "career" of MrBeast, who, apart from introducing children to gambling, has done some shady things in the past, which now he tries to edit out of people’s minds (and YouTube history).

I have no doubts Penguinz0 will dive deep into this scandal and root out the evil on YouTube. After all, he is an expert on everything in the world. But I guess in everything else, other than MrBeast and his questionable life choices. So far, MrBeast hired two law firms to silence the "whistleblower" who exposed his practices (as innocent people do), removed videos made by other youtubers who reported on that situation (as innocent people do), hidden the evidence on his own YouTube channel (as innocent people do), have not responded in any way to the accusations, now is in the process of re-editing old videos so they would not show the root of the accusations (as innocent people do).

So what Penguinz0 has to say about this? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. A man, who so far had something to say about everything that can be found on YouTube or on the Internet, now went completely silent. Of course, this has nothing to do with his participation in a tournament for youtubers organized by MrBeast, during which poor Charlie folded down like a beach chair while facing people he relentlessly criticized (like Logan Paul) while locked down in his home, explaining that "it was nothing personal". According to his version of events, at this point in time he knew nothing about Logan’s lawsuit against Coffeezilla. Ok, Charlie, now you know about it and... still nothing. Well, not exactly nothing, he returned to his safe zone and criticized it in front of the camera. Slightly.

Well, let’s get back to the MrBeast situation, which blew up on the Internet - every single comment channel had something to say about this. Except for Penguinz0, who decided to concentrate on the hamburger lists and kitchen equipment. I mean it’s a sensible thing to do - if you know nothing about something, the best you can do id remain silent. But if Penguinz0 would use that rule more often, his channel would be mostly the crickets and some gaming videos. Well done, Charlie, you show the world how to comment on important issues! One day. Maybe. If no new exciting kitchen equipment will pop up in the spotlight.


Wake up, Charlie, we have careers to burn! comments

I like some of his videos, but sometimes he is a huge douchebag

Nope, you’re not the only one.

am I the only one who thinks this guy is just a douchebag who pretends to know everything about everything?

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