After the success of World of Tanks, and its inevitable demise, it was just a matter of time when the clones of WoT will start to take over the market and Battle Tanks: Legends of World War II is one of those clones.
Multiplayer first person shooter set in reality of World War 2 and in meticulously recreated maps of real battles.
Chinese naval combat game similar to World of Warships with very few actual changes to the idea and the style of WoW.
Chinese multiplayer online game, in which you are put in charge of a warship in the middle of battle.
Online multiplayer tank game that simulates tank battles with vehicles from 1930s through 1950s.
Third, next to World of Tanks and Warships, a game from that sort-of simulates 20th century war battles. Although it was published as their second title, it is considered far inferior to the other two. And not without reasons.
Online multiplayer game that simulates naval battles of warships from 1930s and later eras.
Another company, Pixie Interactive, just went under due to absolute morons in charge, who thought cryptocurrency is the way ahead. What can I say besides Pixie Interactive kicked the bucket, Pixie Int...
Yes, you could assume that after recent events Wargaming, company behind World of Tanks and World of Warships, would be more careful, but if you assumed that you clearly do not know this company for v...