Title: YSFlight
Year introduced: 1999
Country of origin: Japan
Languages: English / Japanese
Price: free
The original game was devised by Soji Yamakawa, who used his experience as an amateur pilot to create this flight simulator. Since it was, more or less, his hobby project, he concentrated on the flight itself, not any particular aspect of that, and offered a download of the program for free. With time, he added further functions, expanded the list of maps available, expended the list of airplanes in the library, but one thing remained the same - the freedom.
Yamakawa did not prepare this game with any particular goal in mind, so he just added different configuration options, which allow players to prepare the flight preferences as they please. You can choose from modern fighters, bombers, stealth planes, but also passenger and utility airplanes, World War 2 planes, even some helicopters. You can start on the ground, you can start in the air, you can start on the aircraft carrier, you can create a dogfight with or without wingmen, you can adjust the payload of your plane, or you can just have a relaxing flight around one of the islands.
After over 15 years of development, the game was also improved by the introduction of a multiplayer mode, which allows different players to share their flights, which means you can arrange battles or share a flight in acrobatic planes.
YSFlight is not a great-looking game, it is crude, it is a bit old-fashioned, but none other flight simulators give you so many options for free. Not to mention that the community of the game created lots of add-ons that improve the game beyond its basic range of vehicles and options.
Rating: 2.14 / 5 based on 7 votes
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