Zorg Empire online game

Zorg Empire  2010

Title: Zorg Empire

Year introduced: 2010
Country of origin: United States
Languages: English

Price: micropayments

Zorg Empire is a browser-based space strategy game. Just like in other similar games, the main goal is to build and lead your own empire towards success and fame while competing with other players, who are trying to expand their own empires. You can cooperate with other players, and you have to compete with thousands of players that play at the same time.

The four main resources in the game universe are metal, crystal, deuterium and energy. In the case of some buildings, you will have to research the technologies required to build them to build them. You will have to build up defences on your planets and create fighting fleets in order to keep them safe. You can build your own shipyard, build fleets that you will use to conquer new territories, you can call merchants for different in-game trades.

Battles in Zorg Empire are very common and very fierce, so you have to be prepared to defend what you gained so far. You can join an alliance to get support from old players who are willing to share their knowledge and tips, or research every bit of the gameplay on your own.

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