Online games news Tedious Retro Gamer, 03-12-2022 Online Games Bay
Cyberpunk 2077, a game with one of the worst premieres in modern times, just became a Game of the Year! No, you didn’t wake up in some parallel universe, although... I’m not that sure to be honest.
After huge(-ish) success of DLC for Cyberpunk 2077, linked to a Netflix anime series, CD Projekt Red decided to publish a new version of the game, a version that would include all of the extensions for the title. I could be wrong, but I think this means BOTH extensions for the game, plus the patches. How do they call it? The Game of the Year Edition!
Yes, after two years of struggle with performance issues, more performance issues, bugs, even more bugs and some slight improvements Cyberpunk 2077 is finally a game of the year! Pity they didn’t say which year that would be. Or how they achieved that unbelievable title.
Of course, it’s just a name, often used when complete version of a game is published, it doesn’t really mean anything, but in this case, it stretches the imagination how Cyberpunk 2077 could be called Game of the Year. Perhaps it is CD Projekts Red’s Game of the Year, but certainly not recognized by any respectable publication.
They could have call it the version 1.0, the complete version, etc. but for some reason they went for the GOTY edition, which just shows how detach from reality the company became. They lost any shred of dignity almost two years ago when they published clearly an unfinished game and insisted all of the problems will be fixed by day one patch, but clearly the marketing is still far more important for CDPR than facing the reality.
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To no-one’s surprise another big title have just completely cyberpunked on the premiere - buggy, under-developed, remade to appeal to everyone. And ended up quickly forgotten. Yes, I mean Saints Row.
After almost 2 years of empty promises and pointless roadmaps that never materialized it looks like CD Projekt RED finally gave up on saving the dumpster fire that Cyberpunk 2077 was. I mean they put up another patch.
Or to be precise slightly better. For some users. Yes, CD Projekt Red, finally came up with patch 1.5 and... it’s still far, far, far from what was expected from the game.
CD Projekt Red announced that they work on Witcher 4! And... that’s about it. No, I forgot, we now know the title! And that is really it.
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