Online games news Tedious Retro Gamer, 20-05-2021 Online Games Bay
It may come as complete shock to you, but Google, a company that started and buried dozens of new projects in last 20 years, is about to do it again. This time it will be their half-hearted venture into cloud gaming field, Google Stadia, which looks more and more like ghost ship.
After another news about key figures leaving Google Stadia, a cloud gaming project that premiered just 18 months ago, it is hard to find anyone, who would actually be surprised. Google has long, long, long list of projects that were suppose to revolutionize our lives, but were scrapped long before they could make any serious impact. Remember Google Glass? They do actually exist, you know. It’s just no one really cares that they do exist. And story of Google Stadia is pretty much the same.
In May 2021 at least six key figures in Stadia project left Google, including John Justice (the vice-president of Stadia), Sebastien Puel (general manager), Corey May (head of creative services and publishing), not to mention Jade Raymond (head of Stadia Games and Entertainment) who left in March 2021, soon after Stadia Games and Entertainment studios were shut down.
Google stated in wake of these events that Stadia is "alive and well", how Nate Ahearn (developer marketing lead) told, with significant plans for expansion in 2021. It is really hard to believe if platform that failed to attract any attention so far, would suddenly flourish in the future, especially taking under consideration how fastidious Google can be. On the other hand Google Stadia recently received significant improvement to their inteface in form of a search bar (yes, after just 18 months of existence), so... who knows?
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Google is officially shutting down Google Stadia. Blah blah blah, yada yada yada, I told you so! But to be fair, so has everyone else..., a company behind World of Tanks and World of Warships (also World of Warplanes, but realistically who cares?) is apparently leaving Russia and Belarus.
Another month and another case of gaming companies trying to outbid each other who will come up with worst idea. And, oh boy, do they got good at it.
After long, long time in development submarines are finally coming to World of Warships. Well, sort of coming. And the gamers are sort of excited about it.
Shocking news has just dropped - Undawn had flopped! Even though once famous actor Will Smith was involved in this project, still it flopped. Which brings an interesting question - what the heck is Undawn???
While MrBeast keeps digging himself deeper into scandal surrounding his dubious practices (no, not manipulating his underage audience, but for organizing lotteries which broke the law), there is one voice visibly missing from this whole situation.
Recent events in the world brought the best in some people, the worst in others, but left one group completely indifferent to a lot of things and that group are streamers, youtubers, influencers and o...
The single player online football manager Santa Monica FC Online has added a new game mode to its offer - the Niklas Persson’s Project, in which you are put in charge of the national team.