Online games news Tedious Retro Gamer, 27-02-2022 Online Games Bay
Steam just took a stand against NFTs in the games available on the platform. Is this the first sign of getting back to normal?
Steam, one of the biggest online gaming platforms, just put in the terms that games which include NFTs or cryptocurrency will not be allowed to be distributed. As Gabe Newell explained Steam does not take a stand against technology as such, they have problem with what is behind NFTs and cryptocurrency. Especially against potential use of that technology for money laundering schemes, scamming practices and other risks.
While so far the number of such titles on Steam was marginal, mostly due to vast archives of the platform, this is signal to gaming industry that, unlike lootboxes in the past, resistance against NFTs is not just gonna go away with time.
The interview with Gabe Newell can give worried games a glimmer of hope that recent madness surrounding NFTs (especially among publishers and in small number of cases game developers) is not the only view on that technology present on the highest level of gaming industry.
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Cheating is serious problem for many online games, but equally serious is the lack of ways to get rid of the players that do not follow the rules. Unless you do something radical, like Last Oasis recently did.
Quite popular youtuber videogamedunkey just announced that he has established a publishing studio called Bigmode, which will be focusing on indie productions. That announcement was met with mixed reactions, but not for some sinister reason.
Developing a good game is not only about coming up with good ideas, but also about realizing which the bad ideas are. This is not specific to just gaming world, it works with every piece of art, from paintings to books and movies.
After 3 years since the moment we first had the chance to buy Stalker 2, it seems like the game finally is reaching... a quite early stage of production. At least that is the conclusion of the newest video, which shows 12 seconds of gameplay. Or rather "gameplay"...
The 2020 pandemic made changes in lives of many, many people - for most it was negative impact, but as this article should highlight, for some it might have been a blessing in disguise. It is the curious case of SkapeGote, a Canadian man, who by accident became a youtuber.
And I’m not sure if this is a good news or a bad news. I’m not even sure if I still care.
Another month and another case of gaming companies trying to outbid each other who will come up with worst idea. And, oh boy, do they got good at it.
It is coming in about 12 to 15 years to be exact. After recent presentation of Starfield gameplay Todd Howard confirmed that Fallout is the basic DNA of Bethesda, so of course there will be next title...