Adventures On Planet Procgue online game

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Adventures On Planet Procgue  2017

Title: Adventures On Planet Procgue

Year introduced: 2017
Country of origin: Netherlands
Languages: English

Price: free

Here you are, at the rim of the known universe. You are a scavenger with nothing left, looking for loot on abandoned planets. Your spaceship’s energy is depleted and needs a replenishment very soon. Your last option is to land on nearby planet Procgue and to find the precious Andersonite crystals in the depths of the planet. Just as you land your spaceship, the engine dies with a dissatisfied belch. Your adventure to escape the planet begins.

Captain! Your goal is to find Andersonite crystals. These are found deep underground. You have to explore many levels before you reach the depths where the crystals can be found. During your descent you’ll encounter many deadly creatures that are dwelling the tunnels and caves.

Fortunately the previous inhabitants have left many items in these tunnels that will help you to reach your goal.

The depths of planet Procgue are vast, and it is no use mapping them, though you’ll find some maps during your descent. Adventurer beware: the deeper you dwell, the darker the creatures will be!

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