Seterra online game

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Seterra  1997

Seterra, a website containing different geography quizzes, was first introduced in 1997 with the main aim being a tool to help people improve their skills, but with time it branched into a more game-like project. The basics are similar to other projects - you can guess the flags or locations of the countries on the map, but apart from that, there are user-created puzzles that work around that concept. For example, you have the basic game of guessing flags of the African countries or to point a given country on the map, but then you have the option to challenge yourself with guessing the capitals, landmarks, cities or country outlines.

Seterra is at the same time an entertaining game and an educational tool for geography teachers, who can use the website or app in their classrooms. Right now, there are over 400 quizzes, most of which are customizable (users can duplicate existing quizzes and change their parameters or create new ones).

In 2022, Seterra was acquired by Geoguessr and now is also available within the Geoguessr website.

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