Online games news

The most bizarre idea in recent times?

Online Games Bay

Great news for all of the fans of Cheech and Chong comedy duo - now you can play as their characters in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty Warzone! And... it is hard to tell why.

The most bizarre idea in recent times?

Cheech and Chong, if you don’t know who they are, was a comedy duo consisting of Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong, whose career stretched from the early 1970s all the way to the early 1980s. They published several comedy albums, starred in a few movies, and now they will be part of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty Warzone.

And what Cheech and Chong have to do with those games or the genre? Absolutely nothing. Their humour was usually related to their hippie image or marijuana jokes, which makes this idea bizarre to say the least. But there is more, the premiere of their characters will take place on April 20th, which is the pathetic attempt at 4/20 term linked to smoking marijuana.

All of this raises a few questions. Firstly, how old is the person who came up with that idea? Second, how old are the average players of MW3 and Warzone? I mean, even if you were familiar with Cheech and Chong as a teenager, their career more or less ended 40 years ago, which would put you in the age bracket around 50-60 years old (or 50-60 years young, depending on the way you count it).

Of course, perhaps there are great fans of MW3 and Warzone, who are around that age, and all the best to them, but I’m afraid most of the playerbase in those titles are people, who were born after Cheech and Chong’s career have peaked. Cheech and Chong, I hope, made a nice bundle of dollar for use of their image, but other than that it just is so hard to explain what is behind that concept.

To summarize: take two characters, who your playerbase most likely is unfamiliar with, who have nothing to do with the genre of your game, who are the opposite of what your game is about, slap a dad joke on top of it and voilà, the most bizarre idea of the year is complete [chef’s kiss].


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