Popmundo online game

Popmundo  2005

Title: Popmundo

Year introduced: 2005
Country of origin: Sweden
Languages: English

Price: free

You start the game as a complete nobody with nothing but your hopes and dreams. You can practice your music, play a few gigs, and begin to build a fanbase. Play your cards right and you’ll soon be touring the world, cutting chart-topping records, and leaving a wake of tantalizing scandals behind you!

The game is played in real time and the game keeps on going even when you’re not logged in. Success in the game is determined by careful strategy and good timing, not by constant online presence. It’s perfectly possible to be successful in the game by logging in a couple of times a week to check up on things. Popmundo is free of charge and no downloads are necessary to play it.

The game itself has wide range of available options - you are dealing with all aspects of your life as musician busking in the streets to the stardom. On the other hand on some levels the game has some flaws - f.e. if you are new musician and lack the skills yet, you can spend lots of time writing songs and they all will be low quality, where in reality you could be just lucky to hit the right spot. Also once you close the song you can not improve it later, which lacks realism, not to mention that before you hit big in the industry it is really easy to just get through the motions, because you do not really have that much options available yet.

Rating: 4.9 / 5 based on 20 votes


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