Online games news

Brace yourselves, the revolution is coming!

Online Games Bay

The earthquake called restructuring of a beloved company seems to come to an end. After selling a few studios, laying off over 1300 people, cancelling some upcoming titles, the CEO of Embracer Group has come up with a bold strategy for the future - he is going to make better games!

Brace yourselves, the revolution is coming!

I knew that one day the revolution in the gaming industry will start, but I never expected that it will happen on 29th March 2024, after several waves of lay-offs in the companies. Yet, CEO of Embracer Group, Lars Wingefors, will lead the charge towards the bright future for the industry by introducing... better games!

In his recent interview with PC Gamer he stated, "we are ending the restructuring programme now, end of March, and the Gearbox restructuring process has been part of that programme". When asked about future plans he said, "to increase profitability and cashflow generation (...) simply making better products and games".

No wonder he makes big bucks in Embracer Group, I mean, it takes a lot of effort to come up with such a clever plan for the future. We can only imagine where Embracer would be right now if he would come up with that great plan years ago. But also this raises one interesting question - does that mean that up to that point they were holding back and publishing only mediocre titles?

Nevertheless, now the gloves are off, and Embracer Group is going to offer better products! Where that revolution could lead us? What will be next? Restaurants will offer clean plates? Trains are gonna arrive on time? Google is gonna start paying taxes?


EA has done it again

Electronic Arts, a company behind one of the most popular games in history, was voted Worst Company in America by Consumerist in 2012 and 2013, also 5th most hated company in the United States by USA Today in 2018, never stops to excel in what they do. Now they brought even more misery to the world.

Let the sarcastic clapping begin!

Cyberpunk 2077, a game with one of the worst premieres in modern times, just became a Game of the Year! No, you didn’t wake up in some parallel universe, although... I’m not that sure to be honest.

Wargaming reached level of The Simpsons

Do you remember The Simpsons? You know, that TV series that once was funny, before it became the forgotten, although still going TV series. Wargaming just got to the new level of pathetic detachment from reality, just like The Simpsons.

Oh Netflix, never change!

Over 6 months after introduction of Netflix Games - yes, it has happened, and don’t worry you’re not the only one that missed that - quite interesting numbers were published. Or rather one number - less than 1%.

Stalker 2 postponed until September

GSC Game World has done it again - they postponed the premiere of Stalker 2. Again. Once more. Yet again. The umpteenth time. And that is the whole news.

Oh no! Undawn had flopped!

Shocking news has just dropped - Undawn had flopped! Even though once famous actor Will Smith was involved in this project, still it flopped. Which brings an interesting question - what the heck is Undawn???

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